Vintage 2017 Market in favor of FACE3D

It is a very special event, wich allow you to search and find beautiful things knowing you are doing something even more beautiful: the proceeds of the market, will help us to buy a new navigator for the Maxillofacial Surgery Department of the S.Orsola Hospital (Bologna), a fundamental tool for the treatment and reconstruction of severely injured faces due to cancers, congenital malformations and/or traumas... especially when patients are children
They will be days of celebration, of joy and of solidarity, with cultural and musical moments, with a space for the children and a lottery TABLE FOR TWO... The lucky onescan win a lunch, a dinner, a breakfast or an aperitif, offered by some reastaurants and clubs in Bologna and its Province.
Thanks to all those who participated like a river in flood that filled the hall of the Baraccano for all the days of the market. Thanks to all and to Re-Use With Love we managed to reach a very important goal: the acquisition of an intra-operative surgical navigatorof the U.O. Maxillofacial Surgery of the S.Orsola Hospital (Bologna), a fundamental tool for the surgeons of is Department, because it will allow an elevated precision and accuracy in the operations for the reconstruction of severely damaged faces.
A big thank you to everyone because the achievement of this goal was only possible thanks to all of you!!!