Our team has been developing the software use that provides the surgeon with a 3D environment in the virtual surgical process

Our team has been developing a software to provide the surgeon with a 3D environment in the virtual surgical process, starting from the cranial facial recostruction obtained through a TC exam (Computed Thomography).
We have also created an algorithm that simulates how any how much soft tissues can modify as a result of changes in the skeleton.
Softwares are more and more used by surgeons operating the face.Our researches have proved to be particularly helpful for their precision and accuracy while operating and in the final result, either concerning the patient who thanks to the facial recostruction, can see the possible changes in his face before the operation.
This psychological element is very important for the patient and it helps the surgeon in the relation with him/her, a very important factor in such a delicate area as the face.

Our studies have proved and demontrated how these softwares can provide a real help; their use really increases both the accuracy and the precision of the surgical event and so of the final result.
Furthermore these peculiarities make the operation less invasive for the patient as the operation steps are specifically designed, precise and limited, favouring the post operation course which is less traumatic.
The high quality of our researches makes it possible to a routine use of softwares in surgical activity.