25th -27th May 2017 - Bologna Rizzoli Hospital 1st IDBN National Workshop (Italian Digital Biomanifacturing Network)... FACE3D will be present!

IDBN Association Italian Digital Biomanufacturing Network - promotes, supports an develops the research of manifacturing production based on printing 3D techniques applied on the medical field and of the bioprinting
On the first day the workshop will deal with technological and health organization in 3D applied to medecine. Ther will be some òectures and free presentations under the Podio format (submitted to a traditional abstract format) and biomodel (special form).
Every participant can prepare 1 podio work and/or 1 biomodel. All the abstracts and the forms will beexamined by the scientific comittee. Two competitions will take place, one to choose the podio work, the other for 3 best biomodels,
The Biomodel is an original handmade from an additional technology; it is directly available as a medical aid or to communicate with the patient, to plan a treatment or rather for didactic purposes. About the biomodels, the company will provide a special desk for their exposition and discussion during the sessions.
The description form of the biomodel, filled during the participant's application, well be printed and hung at the desk.
Biomodel format presentations are not allowed to companies and expositors.
Podio and Biomodel works will follow these Topics:
Orthopedy and Traumatology:
• external devices: limb prothesis, orthosis, plantars
• surgical guides and custom accessories for surgery
• internal devices: emplants/ endo prothesis / revisions
• bone substitution/graft
Odontoiatic and Maxillo
Biomaterials: organs, vases, tissues
Technologies and material for the manifacturing
Alberto Leardini, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli - Bologna (leardini@ior.it)
Scientific Commitee
Ferdinando Auricchio, Università di Pavia
Claudio Belvedere, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli - Bologna
Nicola Bizzotto, Verona / Bolzano
Paolo Caravaggi, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli - Bologna
Andrea Giovanni Cutti, INAIL - Vigorso di Budrio
Villiam Dallolio, Lecco
Davide Donati, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli - Bologna
Andrea Ensini, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli - Bologna
Alessandro Fortunato, Università di Bologna
Brunella Grigolo, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli - Bologna
Claudio Marchetti, Università di Bologna
Lorenzo Moroni, Maastricht University
Paolo Parchi, Università di Pisa
Paolo Poggi, Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri - Pavia
Maria Livia Rizzo, Bologna
Leonardo Vivarelli, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli - Bologna
Planning Congressi Srl
Via Guelfa, 9 - 40138 Bologna (Italy)
Tel. 051 300100 - Fax 051 309477
Ramona Cantelli