Innovation in MaxilloFacial Surgery : experience in progress

On february 23rd 2018 will be held in Bologna the seminar
Innovation in MaxilloFacial Surgery : experience in progress
It is a day of work and cultural comparison on the topic of new technologies applied to MaxilloFacial Surgery
The 3DBO4 represents the fourth scientific event on the theme of 3D, organized by Surgeons of the Department of MaxilloFacial Surgery of the Hospital S.Orsola (Bologna)
Innovation in MaxilloFacial Surgery : experience in progress
It is a day of work and cultural comparison on the topic of new technologies applied to MaxilloFacial Surgery
The 3DBO4 represents the fourth scientific event on the theme of 3D, organized by Surgeons of the Department of MaxilloFacial Surgery of the Hospital S.Orsola (Bologna)
The format of the 3DBO4 will be totally innovative, being provided contributions of surgeons and engineers together, with the aim of discussing the research projects underway in Bologna, as will as in the italian and european Centres, where this mode is widespread.
The seminar was also organized with the aim of providing, to those who are already engaged in Italy on the theme of 3D, a day of camparison and exchange of experiences.
The scientific topics will be the Virtual Planning, the Computer-assisted Surgery and the Biomaterials.
During the day the delivery ceremony of the new surgical navigator donated by the FACE3D Foundation to the MaxilloFacial Surgery Department of the S.Orsola Hospital is foreseen
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The seminar was also organized with the aim of providing, to those who are already engaged in Italy on the theme of 3D, a day of camparison and exchange of experiences.
The scientific topics will be the Virtual Planning, the Computer-assisted Surgery and the Biomaterials.
During the day the delivery ceremony of the new surgical navigator donated by the FACE3D Foundation to the MaxilloFacial Surgery Department of the S.Orsola Hospital is foreseen