From 14th to 17th June 2017, the XXth italian Maxillofacial Surgery National Congress will take place in Naples: training, updating and aggregation.
Medecine and Surgery School Federico II
Castel dell'Ovo - Congress Centre Federico II
Training, Updating and Aggregation : this is the XXth Italian Maxillofacial Surgery Company's motto
According to the work programme, the first day will be about training through practical and theoretical workshops with the opportunity to learn the use of products, tools and devices. The company with the specialist support will train in the surgical surfing and planning, in the condyle fracture treatment, re-absorbable osteosis, piezosurgery, zygomatic implantation, implantation surgery, osteosis in surgical orthognatism, sinus endoscopic. These courses will apply selective entry to certify the high quality of them.

Further information and details