The Maxillofacial Surgery is a particular medical area aiming at returning fundamental functions such as chewing, swallow, breath that can be compromised by malformation, trauma or cancer, also preserving the aesthetic aspect, the face which is the soul mirror, that smile and that look through which we can communicate.

The recent 3D technique has fully changed the Maxillofacial Surgery allowing a new approach in the operation with the planning of a model as close as possible to the best recostruction in the surgical phase through a 3D navigation which makes millimetrical recostruction and cuts be possible
Prof. Claudio Marchetti, in charge of Maxillofacial Surgery S.Orsola Hospital in Bologna, talks about the 3D technique which has proved to be extraordinary in oncology (where large areas of the face must be removed and now it is possible to insert a skin graft to return to the original face), in malformation either genetic or other, to modify facial asymmetries leading to damages and aesthetic inconvenience, in traumatology where it is possible to restore the functions and the original expression of the face